Everyone’s new favorite financial term is generational wealth. People use the buzz phrase, negatively or positively depending on their purpose, to describe a level of wealth significant enough to improve not just your life but the lives of your heirs, their heirs, and maybe your entire lineage to come. In other words, people want to be so rich that their kids are automatically rich too.
When it comes to building generational wealth in the traditional sense, there is no more pressing topic than real estate and it’s surge in prices over the last 5 years. I have had countless conversations with clients that their biggest fear is that their kids will never be able to own a home. This is a real fear and one that has been exacerbated since 2020. Will the younger generations be able to buy the house with the white picket fence without the help of mom and dad? I don't have a great answer, nor do I have a crystal ball. Unfortunately, statistics indicate that generational wealth (by that typical, traditional definition) will not exist for most Canadians. According to Investopedia , more than 55% of inheritances between 1995 and 2016 were under $50,000. What that amount of money does for someone is subjective in nature, of course. But from an objective standpoint, I can confirm it’s unlikely that a five-figure inheritance will significantly alter the long-term socioeconomic standing of any family. So, where does that leave the dream of generational wealth? I think we can all agree that what we all want for our children, and their children, is to be better off than we were. That's the ultimate dream. We know money helps, but what if we also consider other definitions of 'wealth' to ensure the next generation will have more? Perhaps generational wealth could be deeper than just assets changing hands. In the broadest sense, what if we think of it as the lift, the boost, the confidence that comes from digesting and implementing the lessons we are taught by previous generations? It's not that I don't believe accumulating assets for the benefit of your heirs is admirable. I certainly do. It often takes a lot of hard work, tremendous discipline, and significant sacrifice to create better outcomes for those on the receiving end of your wealth. But for most people, the true wealth being transferred is never a portfolio of stocks or a piece of property. Full disclosure, I’ve received no sizable inheritance in my life. This isn't a clickbait article where I claim to have built an empire from sheer determination with a little asterisk where I neglect to mention a $4 million loan from my rich uncle. Instead, I'd like to tell you about my experience with another version of generational wealth in the form of inheriting a blueprint for a great life. My grandfather, Alvin, was the first Canadian Cab driver in Guelph and bestowed on me an example of what hard work and passion looks like from a very young age. Were my grandparents wealthy by financial metrics? Not quite. But they were incredibly rich through their work ethic, their friendships, their family and their devotion to their church. It's with pride in their example that I tell you I certainly inherited those characteristics. What my grandparents and parents have given me during their lifetime is greater than any monetary inheritance they could leave behind. Leading with their example of support, from never missing a sporting event to their consistent work ethic, my parents have also given me our own version of generational wealth. I'm proud to tell you my parents have just celebrated 44 years of marriage which is something I cherish as a witness during my years as their son, especially now as I prepare to get married myself. Generational wealth can also take the form of learning to do things differently than the way you were taught by prior generations. My peers and I are structuring our lives and goals a little bit differently, and I'm encouraging clients to consider new mindsets as well. What if it's not just about working tirelessly for 40 years only to thrive once retired? Too often I've seen clients say, “One day we will...” only for that one day to never come. Life is incredibly short and money can be a resource to be used to enjoy the time you have today. Instead of only thinking about how much we can leave to our kids, they also benefit from being with you when you enjoy what you have worked so hard to accumulate over the years. The beautiful thing about wealth is that you can define it on your own terms. So, how could you expand your definition of generational wealth? The experiences, lessons, tools, passions, and even the cautionary tales that are passed down to us matter. In many ways, they matter more than just the money version. This kind of wealth provides future generations the ability to do more than just spend. It provides them with the ability to change their lives. Here's another idea; I'd be honoured if you decided sharing Think like An Investor with your friends, family and colleagues is a form of wealth transfer. We can all learn from each other and expand our definition of wealth.
It’s the end of the 2022/23 RRSP season. If you’re over the age of 25, this likely isn’t a new experience. The ads and reminders to top up your retirement accounts are endless, and it seems like a mad dash to the March 1st deadline. Being the diligent investor that you are, you’ve maxed out your Tax-Free Savings Account and either set up monthly savings or contributed a lump sum to max out your RRSP contribution for the year. So, you are doing everything you should be, right? Probably.
But, what if I told you that there is a new problem arising in personal finance. What if you’re saving TOO MUCH for retirement? That’s right! You’ve worked hard your entire life, stocked away your savings diligently so that one day you can live on easy street and travel the world – or at least that’s what you’ve planned. It’s the concept of delayed gratification at its core; putting away money today during my working years so that years down the road I can finally enjoy retirement. But it really makes me wonder, are retirees really enjoying their fruits of their labour to its fullest? I look at my own parents as an example. (Hi Mom, I know you’re reading this and I love you!) My parents worked incredibly hard to put us through school and save for their retirement. Now at age 65 and 68 I am noticing they really hesitate to spend and enjoy their savings. They are not alone. Layer on the effects of a 2 year pandemic where spending for enjoyment was limited. This only increased Canadians’ savings to historically high levels. When you go from the mentality of ‘save, save, save’ from the age of 25 to 65, it’s not like a switch flips to make it simple to turn off that mindset to that of ‘spend and enjoy’ your wealth. I see this now more than ever in my work with clients and I know I am not alone. Countless studies are showing that retirees’ net worths are actually growing during retirement and consumption, and possibly enjoyment, is at historically low levels. So, how could you take a more balanced approach? Maybe the traditional mindset of working tirelessly, not taking that extended vacation or sabbatical in an effort to bolster up your retirement savings every year of your working life needs a revamping? I personally believe it does. We are now living longer than ever and more and more Canadians are pushing back retirement to either work longer or part time. Why? It could be because they haven’t saved enough. Or they just really love what they do and have no plans of slowing down – and that is okay. There is no one size fits all approach to saving for retirement, trust me. I think it’s the psychology of saving for tomorrow vs. spending today that needs work. We are taught from a very young age that saving, cutting expenses, and limiting ourselves as the only way to build wealth. How many headlines shout strategies to reduce spending by cutting out your favourite Starbucks drink or cancelling Netflix and limiting our lifestyle at the expense of a life with pleasure. While saving is incredibly important and something that I both practice and preach – we need to learn how to spend too. Having worked with clients in my day job as a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ for 10 years, I can confidently say that most affluent Canadians are great at saving, and not so good at experiencing without worrying. What if I told you that I have personally witnessed clients pass away with 7 figures left in their retirement accounts? Sure they will pass on an incredible legacy for their family, church or charity and we have built that into their plan. But did they enjoy life to its fullest? What if they spent a bit more to experience the joys in life, instead of putting it into their bank accounts? Would they have been able to buy back more time? Would they have created more memories with their family? Could they be happier? I’ll be thinking, and writing, in the months to come about what it truly means to live a rich life. And (hint, hint) what if you don’t need to be a millionaire to live a rich life? Would you be curious to know more about why I think it’s about mindset, not net worth? Stay tuned. Yours in wealth and health, Brandon Yanchus |
AuthorBrandon Yanchus is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ with over a decade of experience. This is his personal blog where he shares what he's learned helping families, professionals, business owners and retirees grow and protect their wealth. Archives
February 2024